ByLaws & Policies

Old Austin County Jail in Bellville, TX
Texas Jail Association
The TEXAS JAIL ASSOCIATION (TJA) was formed on June 4, 1986, in Austin, TX. The organization's main objective is to provide a distinct and unified voice for corrections officers working in local jails. TJA's membership is comprised of Jail Administrators, Corrections Officers, Sheriffs, Support Staff, and other interested parties of the corrections profession in Texas.
TJA strives to accomplish the following goals:
- To bring together those concerned with, or interested in the professional operation and administration of jails in the State of Texas.
- To advance professionalism through training, exchange of information, technical assistance, publications, and conferences.
- To provide leadership in the development of professional standards, management practices, programs, and services; and
- To advance the interests, needs, and concerns of the membership.