McLennan County Courthouse

McLennan County Courthouse

Executive Committee
Johnny Jaquess (Chairperson)
Frances Dembowski
Aimee Crockett
Lynette Anderson (Ex-Officio)

Council of Past Presidents
All Past Presidents

Awards Committee
Carla Stone (Chairperson)
Edwardo Jackson
Mike Starkey
Kevin Stuart
Todd Allen
Shane Poole
Ricky Armstrong

Nominating Committee
Frances Dembowski (Chairperson)
Rowdee Edwards
Michael Everill

Training Committee
Rowdee Edwards (Chairperson)
Jason Davis
Aimee Crockett
Ryan Braus
Jess Christensen (At-Large)
Jason Jouett (At-Large)

Membership Committee
Abby Belangeri (Chairperson)
Rowdee Edwards
Ryan Braus
Shane Sowell
Mace Martinez (At-Large)

Finance Committee
Johnny Jaquess (Chairperson)
Frances Dembowski
Aimee Crockett

By-Laws Committee
Frances Dembowski (Chairperson)
Kevin Stuart
Veronica Mancias (At-Large)

Technology Committee
Justin Marinari (Chairperson)
Kevin Stuart
Elroy Holmes
Abby Belangeri
Rowdee Edwards
Jason Davis (At-Large)

Vendor Committee
Blake Taylor (Chairperson)
Sarah Edwards

Scholarship Committee
Kim Howell (Chairperson)
Dan Corbin
Scott Simonton
Jim Eiselstein
Tim Quintana
Mary Barron
Kevin Stuart

Sales Committee
Elroy Holmes (Chairperson)
Les Karnes
Justin Marinari
Scott Hammel (At-Large)

Legislative Committee
Billy Bryan (Chairperson)
Kelly Rowe
Abby Belangeri
Shane Sowell

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